Karen Power’s Artistic Statement
Karen Power’s Artistic Statement
Composer Karen Power
I am a versatile, enthusiastic and well received Irish composer seeking to stimulate, engage and interact with audiences. I use two primary sources in my creative output; acoustic instruments and everyday sound-objects and soundscapes. I hear and treat these two sources both separately and collectively, with each concept dictating their relationship to each other. My creative output is diverse, both in its approach and delivery, seeking to capture and translate the essence of an idea through a variety of forms. For example, recent projects have been presented as orchestral works, sonic installations, collaborations between sound and dance, sound and image, free improvisations, solo instrumental works, duets and musical happenings. Every day environments and how we hear every day sounds lies at the core of my practice with a continued interest in blurring the distinction between what most of us call ‘music’ and all other sound. I have found inspiration in the natural world and have utilized our inherent familiarity with such sounds as a means of engaging with my audience. Resulting works challenge the listeners memory of hearing while simultaneously presenting new contexts for such sounds. I see my work as a continual learning experiment with each new work simultaneously absorbing something from its predecessor and breaking new ground for what is yet to come.
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